30 Aralık 2007
Arkadaşlar ben VB6 (VİSUAL BASİC 6.0) da yeni bir uygulama yapmaya calıstım umarım hosunuza gider Smiley

==========================UYGULAMA bilgileri=======================================

* TÜM unıqlerı bir kod ile (.spawnuni) heryerde cıkarabilecewksınız-- yani ivy cıkarsa samarkende cleopatrada yada evilde yada isrodakı gıbı yerlerde rastgele cıkıcaktır kısacası unıq arama zevkını sremuda yasayacaksınız

*.spawnuni komutuyla tum unıqler kendı bolgelerınde cıkıcaklardır ve oyunda 4,30 saat kalabilrsenızkı çok zor sremuda Smiley ikinci spawnları otomatık olarak gherçeklesecektır ve ilkinde ivy cleopatrada cıktıysa bu kez farklı bır bolgede cıkarak...

==========================UYGULAMA yapılısı========================================

*Lyzerq ve Carko arkadaısımızn verdıgı source code a giriniz,(indirmek için; http://rapidshare.com/fil...remu_last_Source_Code.rar)
*sonra ıcndekı vb6 ile yazılmıs sourceyı acınız,(prjVBEmu)
*sımdı kenarlardan modulese bir add butonu ile module ekleyınız sonrada , orada bir module belırecektır,
*sımdı o module1 yazanın ısmını AutoSpawn olarak değiştiriniz,
*sımdıde onun ıcıne girin ve su kodları yapıstırınız,

Public Function unispawn(index As Integer)
'By berke1676
rn1 = Rnd
rn2 = Rnd
rn3 = Rnd
rn4 = Rnd
rn5 = Rnd
rn6 = Rnd
rn7 = Rnd
rn8 = Rnd
rn9 = Rnd
rn10 = Rnd
rn11 = Rnd
rn12 = Rnd
rn = ((rn1 + rn2) + (rn3 + rn4) + (rn5 + rn6) + (rn7 + rn8) + (rn9 + rn10) + (rn11 + rn12))
If rn = 0 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5286, 366, 162, 93, 9 'TG above bandit fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11421, 2079, 75, 102, 9 'Cerb at the first crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 3195, -45, 151, 91, 9 'Uru east outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -975, 300, 129, 93, 9 'Isy at the first crossroad near the spiders
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4716, 192, 110, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad from the Tahomet Gate
End If
If rn = 1 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4851, 336, 160, 93, 9 'TG at the big crossroad
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11424, 1866, 75, 101, 9 'Cerb at the secound crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7122, 2670, 97, 105, 9 'Ivy near to the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2601, -390, 148, 89, 9 'Uru south outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1419, 453, 127, 94, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by the dark cave
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 2 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4458, 582, 158, 95, 9 'TG at the crossroad of West Ferry
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11427, 1662, 75, 100, 9 'Cerb at the third crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6924, 1701, 98, 100, 9 'Ivy at the Cleopatra's Gate
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2658, 825, 148, 96, 9 'Uru at the north peak
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -2196, 174, 123, 92, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by the northern Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1032, 2025, 129, 102, 9 'LY at the Mages
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4914, -204, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan near to northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 3 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4170, 204, 156, 93, 9 'TG at the next crossroad of West Ferry
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12498, 2064, 69, 102, 9 'Cerb western of Desperado Hill
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6789, 1140, 99, 97, 9 'Ivy at the Haran's Tower
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2289, 597, 146, 95, 9 'Uru in the Dead Ravine
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -2253, -1053, 123, 86, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by Yetis
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -486, 2436, 132, 104, 9 'LY at the Snipers
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4728, -420, 110, 89, 9 'Shaitan under the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 4 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4317, -147, 157, 91, 9 'TG at the southern of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12591, 1194, 69, 98, 9 'Cerb nothern of Jupiter Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7512, 1203, 95, 98, 9 'Ivy at the Evil Order Fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2088, 333, 145, 93, 9 'Uru at the West Road from robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1752, -1104, 125, 86, 9 'Isy at the Yetis
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4518, -468, 111, 89, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 5 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4575, -321, 158, 90, 9 'TG at the corner outside of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12399, 1479, 70, 99, 9 'Cerb above the d of GarDen of Gods
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6402, 1371, 101, 99, 9 'Ivy above the Arcarft Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2064, 822, 145, 96, 9 'Uru at the North Road from robber den, after dead ravine
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -894, -1119, 130, 86, 9 'Isy at the Ishades
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4584, -624, 111, 88, 9 'Shaitan southern spawn Point
End If
If rn = 6 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5004, -33, 161, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, eastern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11796, 1350, 73, 99, 9 'Cerb above the beatch
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2643, 417, 148, 94, 9 'Uru at the North Road from robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1332, -186, 128, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the Penon Fighter
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4308, 72, 112, 92, 9 'Shaitan under the Heart Peak
End If
If rn = 7 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5325, -210, 162, 90, 9 'TG southern ouside of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12156, 1575, 71, 100, 9 'Cerb above the B of Garden of GoDs
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7122, 2670, 97, 105, 9 'Ivy near to the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2676, 138, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northeastern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1938, -78, 124, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the Corner/Sonars
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4176, 123, 113, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad of the Heart Peak
End If
If rn = 8 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4743, -30, 159, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, western
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11700, 1629, 74, 100, 9 'Cerb at the 2nd crossroad under the F of Forest of Dusk
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6924, 1701, 98, 100, 9 'Ivy at the Cleopatra's Gate
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2520, 165, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1527, -132, 127, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the A of KarAkoram
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4716, 192, 110, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad from the Tahomet Gate
End If
If rn = 9 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, 126, 160, 92, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, northern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11706, 1821, 74, 101, 9 'Cerb at the 1st crossroad under the F of Forest of Dusk
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6789, 1140, 99, 97, 9 'Ivy at the Haran's Tower
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2505, -138, 148, 91, 9 'Uru at southwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1503, -351, 127, 90, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Plantas/Penon Warriors
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 10 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, -138, 160, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, shouthern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12408, 1461, 70, 99, 9 'Cerb at the B of GarDen of Gods
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7512, 1203, 95, 98, 9 'Ivy at the Evil Order Fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2724, -120, 149, 91, 9 'Uru at southeastern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1290, -393, 128, 89, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Plantas/Penon Warriors
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4914, -204, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan near to northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 11 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4851, 336, 160, 93, 9 'TG at the big crossroad
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11421, 2079, 75, 102, 9 'Cerb at the first crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6402, 1371, 101, 99, 9 'Ivy above the Arcarft Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2601, -390, 148, 89, 9 'Uru south outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1848, -192, 125, 90, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Sonars
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1032, 2025, 129, 102, 9 'LY at the Mages
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4728, -420, 110, 89, 9 'Shaitan under the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 12 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, 126, 160, 92, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, northern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12498, 2064, 69, 102, 9 'Cerb western of Desperado Hill
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2520, 165, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1527, -132, 127, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the A of KarAkoram
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If

End Function

*sımdıde son olarak modChat i acınız,
*ve sımdıde birazcık asağı ınınız,
'Case ".spawnnpc"

' If IsNumeric(CLng(sCommands(1))) = True Then
'SpawnNPC index, CLng(sCommands(1)), 1
'End If

bunu gordukten sonra 'End If buraya getırırın ımlecı ve bir kez enter tusuna basarak bir alt sutuna gecınız ardından ımlecı usttekı kodun hızasına getırerek su kodu ekleyınız,

Case ".spawnuni"

unispawn index 'all uniques will spawn

*hersey duzgun yaptıysanız save edein ve cıkın komutumuz hazırdır, keyıflı unıqler...

NOT: calıstıramayanlar ayda sorunla karsılasanlar olursa benım hamachi yardım id mi ekleyınız...

hamachi id :SremuVb6destek
hamachi pw:1

NOT: kesınlıkle alıntı değildir..

By to utku1676(bazı forum sıtelerındekı nıckım,(utku1676 dır.)bunu yazıyorum cunku bazı arkdaşlar saolsunlar ark alıntı yapmıs diyorlar)
By to berke1676

Saygıalrımla...devamı gelıcek...
30 Aralık 2007
tahsincan demiş ki:
Bu zaten yok muydu
vardıysa ben göremedım ayrıca bunu tamamen kodlarıyla bırlıkte bana aittir nası daha onc e oldugunu ıddaa edersın anlamadım:S

_CrazyBlade_ demiş ki:
o senın süperliğn dostum :thumbsup:

orhanow demiş ki:
süper saol paylaşım için saol
biz bu paylasımları yapmıcaksak neyı yapıcaz ... saolasın..EXL ailesinede bu yakısır değil mi?

remiemre demiş ki:
yardım edermisin

buyur kardesım hamaci destek hattıma gel yardım edeyim...

hamachi id :SremuVb6destek
hamachi pw:1
22 Mayıs 2007
berke1676 demiş ki:
Public Function unispawn(index As Integer)
'By berke1676
rn1 = Rnd
rn2 = Rnd
rn3 = Rnd
rn4 = Rnd
rn5 = Rnd
rn6 = Rnd
rn7 = Rnd
rn8 = Rnd
rn9 = Rnd
rn10 = Rnd
rn11 = Rnd
rn12 = Rnd
rn = ((rn1 + rn2) + (rn3 + rn4) + (rn5 + rn6) + (rn7 + rn8) + (rn9 + rn10) + (rn11 + rn12))
If rn = 0 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5286, 366, 162, 93, 9 'TG above bandit fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11421, 2079, 75, 102, 9 'Cerb at the first crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 3195, -45, 151, 91, 9 'Uru east outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -975, 300, 129, 93, 9 'Isy at the first crossroad near the spiders
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4716, 192, 110, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad from the Tahomet Gate
End If
If rn = 1 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4851, 336, 160, 93, 9 'TG at the big crossroad
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11424, 1866, 75, 101, 9 'Cerb at the secound crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7122, 2670, 97, 105, 9 'Ivy near to the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2601, -390, 148, 89, 9 'Uru south outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1419, 453, 127, 94, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by the dark cave
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 2 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4458, 582, 158, 95, 9 'TG at the crossroad of West Ferry
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11427, 1662, 75, 100, 9 'Cerb at the third crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6924, 1701, 98, 100, 9 'Ivy at the Cleopatra's Gate
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2658, 825, 148, 96, 9 'Uru at the north peak
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -2196, 174, 123, 92, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by the northern Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1032, 2025, 129, 102, 9 'LY at the Mages
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4914, -204, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan near to northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 3 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4170, 204, 156, 93, 9 'TG at the next crossroad of West Ferry
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12498, 2064, 69, 102, 9 'Cerb western of Desperado Hill
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6789, 1140, 99, 97, 9 'Ivy at the Haran's Tower
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2289, 597, 146, 95, 9 'Uru in the Dead Ravine
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -2253, -1053, 123, 86, 9 'Isy at the crossroad by Yetis
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -486, 2436, 132, 104, 9 'LY at the Snipers
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4728, -420, 110, 89, 9 'Shaitan under the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 4 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4317, -147, 157, 91, 9 'TG at the southern of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12591, 1194, 69, 98, 9 'Cerb nothern of Jupiter Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7512, 1203, 95, 98, 9 'Ivy at the Evil Order Fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2088, 333, 145, 93, 9 'Uru at the West Road from robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1752, -1104, 125, 86, 9 'Isy at the Yetis
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4518, -468, 111, 89, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 5 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4575, -321, 158, 90, 9 'TG at the corner outside of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12399, 1479, 70, 99, 9 'Cerb above the d of GarDen of Gods
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6402, 1371, 101, 99, 9 'Ivy above the Arcarft Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2064, 822, 145, 96, 9 'Uru at the North Road from robber den, after dead ravine
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -894, -1119, 130, 86, 9 'Isy at the Ishades
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4584, -624, 111, 88, 9 'Shaitan southern spawn Point
End If
If rn = 6 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5004, -33, 161, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, eastern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11796, 1350, 73, 99, 9 'Cerb above the beatch
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2643, 417, 148, 94, 9 'Uru at the North Road from robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1332, -186, 128, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the Penon Fighter
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4308, 72, 112, 92, 9 'Shaitan under the Heart Peak
End If
If rn = 7 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 5325, -210, 162, 90, 9 'TG southern ouside of bandit mountain
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12156, 1575, 71, 100, 9 'Cerb above the B of Garden of GoDs
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7122, 2670, 97, 105, 9 'Ivy near to the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2676, 138, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northeastern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1938, -78, 124, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the Corner/Sonars
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4176, 123, 113, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad of the Heart Peak
End If
If rn = 8 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4743, -30, 159, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, western
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11700, 1629, 74, 100, 9 'Cerb at the 2nd crossroad under the F of Forest of Dusk
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6924, 1701, 98, 100, 9 'Ivy at the Cleopatra's Gate
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2520, 165, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1527, -132, 127, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the A of KarAkoram
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4716, 192, 110, 92, 9 'Shaitan at the crossroad from the Tahomet Gate
End If
If rn = 9 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, 126, 160, 92, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, northern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11706, 1821, 74, 101, 9 'Cerb at the 1st crossroad under the F of Forest of Dusk
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6789, 1140, 99, 97, 9 'Ivy at the Haran's Tower
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2505, -138, 148, 91, 9 'Uru at southwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1503, -351, 127, 90, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Plantas/Penon Warriors
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -3, 2010, 134, 102, 9 'LY at the Temple
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 10 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, -138, 160, 91, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, shouthern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12408, 1461, 70, 99, 9 'Cerb at the B of GarDen of Gods
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -7512, 1203, 95, 98, 9 'Ivy at the Evil Order Fortress
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2724, -120, 149, 91, 9 'Uru at southeastern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1290, -393, 128, 89, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Plantas/Penon Warriors
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4914, -204, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan near to northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 11 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4851, 336, 160, 93, 9 'TG at the big crossroad
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -11421, 2079, 75, 102, 9 'Cerb at the first crossroad near to Const
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6402, 1371, 101, 99, 9 'Ivy above the Arcarft Dock
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2601, -390, 148, 89, 9 'Uru south outside of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1848, -192, 125, 90, 9 'Isy on the Ice at Sonars
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1032, 2025, 129, 102, 9 'LY at the Mages
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4728, -420, 110, 89, 9 'Shaitan under the Claw Peak
End If
If rn = 12 Then
SpawnMonsters index, 1954, 3, 4884, 126, 160, 92, 9 'TG in the bandit mountain, northern
SpawnMonsters index, 5871, 3, -12498, 2064, 69, 102, 9 'Cerb western of Desperado Hill
SpawnMonsters index, 14778, 3, -6420, 2694, 101, 106, 9 'Ivy at the Ampitheater
SpawnMonsters index, 1982, 3, 2520, 165, 148, 92, 9 'Uru at northwestern of robber den
SpawnMonsters index, 2002, 3, -1527, -132, 127, 91, 9 'Isy on the Ice at the A of KarAkoram
SpawnMonsters index, 3810, 3, -1551, 2457, 126, 104, 9 'LY in the Arena
SpawnMonsters index, 3875, 3, -4920, -288, 109, 90, 9 'Shaitan northwestern of the Claw Peak
End If

End Function
switch - case... veya yan program kullansaydın ya... böyle bütün spawnpointleri önce kullanıyor, sonra paketi atıyor ^^ Buda server a baya bir yük oluyor :wink1:
26 Ocak 2009
Yukarı Alt