22 Nisan 2007
Konum-Zaman grafiğinde Y sütunundayım

Şimdi avrupa charların tek kotu tarafı pot deil cok fazla kotu tarafı var ama iyi tarafıda yok deil
sawaslar (castle war) ırk sawası deil guild sawası guidller kapısıyor kalesi olan guildin sag tarafında (+) seklindei deişik kırmızı bi işaret cıkıyor(gercekten cok karızma :) ) simdi turleri anlatıyorum
str charlar:
bunlar Two-handed sword/sword shield/archer/assasian
olarak ayrılı kesinlikle 1 tane bile int e verilmemelidir cunku imbue(el yakması) yoktur tamamen phy atak
Two-handed sword: bu su buyuk kılıcları kulalnan tiplerdir bu heriflerin atack speed leri dusuk olmasına ragmen phy atakları ciddi derecede buyuktur bu char kendini 40 lvl da gostermeye baslar 40 lvl da acılan skili charın can damarıdır (+3 sos set 37 lvl str charıma 2,7k vurmustu 42 lvl bi adam) cok guzel vurur ancak kıyafet secimi olmadıgından yani armordan baska kıyafet kulanamadıgı için mag defans yok denecek kadar azdır dolayısıyla intlere karsı ozellikle chinese nuker lere karsı hiiç sansı yoktur 60 lvl str avrupaya 52 lvl nuker 7k gommustu ksro da
sword-shield: walla bu charın skillerini pek bilmiorum gordugum kadarıyla soyligim cok abartılı bi dmg vuran skili yok zaten topu topu 5-7 skili var ancak kalkan skilleri muthis dir cok fazla block veriyor ve defansı inanılmaz derecede yuksek ayrıca provoke ye benzer bi skili var yaratık toplamada ustune yok (8 kişilik party de olmazsa olmaz)ancak bu da armordan baska bişi giyemedigi için mag def dusuk.
archer: bu buildimizde full str dir archerın cok saglam skilleri vardır eger str avrupa acılcaksa archer acılmalıdır (tavsiye)cok guzel str atagı vardır en dandik itemle bile cok saglam vurabilir ayrıca knock-back skilleri cok avantajlıdır bu yapılandırma protector giydigi için nukerlere karsı daha avantajlıdır zaten 42 de archerda acılan bir skil (adını ve ozellikerlini bilmiorm) cok muthis saglam vuruyor yani 47 lvl adamın elinde +0 crosbow la white spider a 10k crit vurdugunu gordum bu skil ile tabi dediim gibi protector dan baska opsiyon yok mecburen mag def biraz daha dusuk ama tam bir anti-int
assasian: ben pek agam saham bi skilini gormedim bi tek stealth i var ama de-stealth pot ları potcularda satıldıgı için bununda pek bi esprisi yok bu yapılandırmanın skilleri hakkında pek bi bilgim yok ama etrafda pek asasin ile oynayanı da gormedim sanırım cok iyi de deil secim gene protector(mecburen) ve str oldugu için mag def dusuk

simdi int olan yapılandırmalara geciyoruz
bu yapılandırmalar warlock/wizard/cleric/bard

warlock: warlock charla cok yuksek lvl laara kasmadım ama 90 lvl warlock un job-war da ne kadar işlevi oldugunu sizinle paylasıcam
oncelikle bu cahrımız garmentdan baska kıyafet giyemiyor int olması mecburei hybrid olması cok onemli kalkanımız oldugu icin defdan birazcık yırtıyoruz ama hem intiz hem garment kalkan bize ne kadar yardım edebilirki? warlocklar mag atackları poison seklindedir direk vurusları yok denecek kadar azdır ama 1 player a 2 sn de 10 ayrı status e sokabilir cok saglam posion dmgleri var ama cok zahmetli bi char :)
Wizard: herkezin mrk etigi charlardan biri int yapılandırmalı bi chardır wizard skilleri gercekten muthis dmg ler vermektedir 4 lvl da sizin omrunuz boyunca kulanacagınız 4 skili acılır bu skiller gercekten cok saglam vurmakrtadır fire nukesi %366 dmg verebilmektedir ayrıca wizardların weaponları da mag atakları chinese sos weaponlardan yuksektir ancak secim garment oldugu için phy defans yoktan bile azdır :) yani kendi lvlinde bi giantı bile kesemeyebiliyor 2-3 yaratık dalınca heme yere yatıyor bu yuzden wizardi hybrid olarak tavsiye ediyorum ayrıca wizardda acılan alan skilleri (20 lvlda ) 8 kişilik partyde cok ise yaramakta ver cok saglam vurmakta ancak pvp de cok etkili oldugunu dusunmuyoprum ozellikle chinese charları karsı hiç sansı yok
cleric: bu char avrupanın can damarı cleric gercekten her yonden muthis bi char boyle bi charla party ve lvl kasma sorunu yoktur kac lvl olursanız olun size ihtiyacları vardır clerici n cok saglam buffları vardır 5 dk a boyunca str ve int bufu 5 dk boyunca phy defans ve acil kurtarma 1dk boyunca 300phy 500mag gibi muthis bi buff verebilmekte partry heal ve ress ile cleric vazgecilmez bi char oluyor ayrıca kalkan ve protector/garment opsiyonu ile phy ve mag defansla tam bi denge olusmaktadır 40 lvl da clericde acılan (daha oncelerden bi resim koymustum 156k dmg vurmustu bi cleric işte o skil)skil cleric in can damarıdır avrupalılarda ezik diyemeyeceigimz tek char budur malesef
bard: dogrusu bard partyde oslada olur olmasada olur gibi bişi ama olunca cok avantajlı oluyor bu charımızda eline harp almakta int olup garment giyme gibi bi zorunlulugu olmakta phy defn dsusuk ancak cok saglam bufları bulunmakta party mp recovery(partydfekilerin manası ve hp si cok hızlı dolmakta boylece pot ihtiyacı yada olme gibi rsikleri min a indirme ) ozellikleri vardır ayrıca party e hızlı kosma verebilir ve bu skilin LV1 ,i %20 olup her artırısta %10 artar yani bu skili fullediginizde party e % 100 kosma hızı verebiliyorsunuz

[br]Şu tarihte gönderildi: 06 Temmuz 2007, 15:30:53[hr]Movikha Level 1 24 Exp 54HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Movoy Level 2 47 Exp 55HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Grasp Level 3 71 Exp 85HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Edenp Level 4 94 Exp 94HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Broi Wolf Level 5 118 Exp 119HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Barus Wolf Level 6 141 Exp 114HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Logos Baroi Level 7 165 Exp 165HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Bartis Level 8 188 Exp 204HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Mythos Baroi Level 9 212 Exp 192HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Barpolle Level 10 235 Exp 249HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Dowb Gennetos Level 11 259 Exp 310HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Cyclopes Level 12 282 Exp 359HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Dowb Gennema Level 12 282 Exp 359HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Brontes Level 13 306 Exp 411HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Aduna Ladon Level 14 329 Exp 470HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Polyphemos Level 15 353 Exp 607HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Seamoss Ladon Level 16 376 Exp 628HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Lion of Nemea Level 17 400 Exp 820HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Seirenes Level 18 423 Exp 730HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Lion of Selene Level 19 447 Exp 958HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Siren Level 20 470 Exp 840HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Kerberos Level 24 Boss 569,630 Exp 693,072HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Megalopa Level 21 498 Exp 1106HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Pirate Rogue Level 22 528 Exp 1184HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Crab Level 23 560 Exp 1264HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Pirate Brigand Level 23 560 Exp 1264HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Dark Wolf Level 24 593 Exp 1347HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Evil Wolf Level 25 629 Exp 1433HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Evil Order Archer Level 26 667 Exp 1433HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Evil Order Hunter Level 27 707 Exp 1217HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Evil Order Warrior Level 27 707 Exp 1287HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Evil Order Soldier Level 28 749 Exp 1709HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Closer Level 29 794 Exp 1807HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Punisher Level 30 842 Exp 1909HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Captain Ivy Level 30 Boss 808,031 Exp 1,094,835HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Cocoru Level 31 884 Exp 1593HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Peryton Level 32 928 Exp 1676HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Blood Ong Level 33 974 Exp 1997HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Ong Level 34 1.023 Exp 2099HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Hun Archer Level 35 1,074 Exp 1940HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Hun Defense Lancer Level 36 1,128 Exp 2316HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Hun Shooter Level 36 1,128 Exp 2034HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Hun Assault Lancer Level 37 1,184 Exp 2424HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Monkey Level 37 1,184 Exp 2424HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Magic Monkey Level 38 1,244 Exp 2539HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Stone Golem Level 39 1,306 Exp 2982HP
-Resim Silinmiş.
Rock Golem Level 40 1,371 Exp 3121HP
-Resim Silinmiş.

Ayrıca haritalar :
-Resim Silinmiş.

-Resim Silinmiş.

daha devam ediorz Wink
işta wizard skilleri
Not: Sikillerde .R = Satır C= Stun
Not: Avrupa Karakterlerin imbue (el yakma filan) yoktur.
Not: Yapılandırmalar Kendi Skillerinin Hepsini Maxlamalıdır.SP Farmlara diğer Yapılandırmaların Skilini Açmayı Denemeyin Mastery lvl Yetmez.
Örn: 20 lvl Wizard tüm Wizard Skillerini Açması Lazım.Bide Hepsinin Max Olması Lazım.SP işi kolaydır.SP Farm Gerekmez.Wizard Gitip Priest skillerini Açarsa ilerde Mastery lvl Point Sınırı Sorunu Çeker...

En Güçlü Vurunıdır.Ama Phy Vuran Canavarlardan Fena Dayak Yer.Menziliden Okçudan Fazladır.

Wizard Hangi Stattan Vermeli?
Wizard Full INT Vermili Çünkü; Silahı Sadece Magic Attack Yapar, Phy Filan Yapmaz.STR Verirsen.Em Az Vurur Hemde Ezik Olur.

Wizard Ne Kadar Güçlüdür
Wizard, Chinese Nukerden 2 Kat Güçlü Vurur.Ve Skilleri 30 lvlde Açılmaz Direk 4 Lvlde Gelir.
Kendi levelindeki Canavarları Tekte Alamayana Adam Gibi Wizard Denmez...

Wizard Skilleri?
Caster > Wizard
Tüm Skiller Max. Bide Mastery Stat Pointe Dikkat Edin Yoksa Adam Gibi Giysi Giremezsiniz.
-Resim Silinmiş.
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Toprok Büyülerinin Gücünü Artırır
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Buz Büyülerinin Gücünü Arttırır
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Ateş Büyülerinin Gücünü Artırr
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Elekrit Büyülerinin Gücünü Artırır...
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- MP Kaleitesi 3% Artar.
L4- MP consuming quantity 9% decrease

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 900 second, magical damage 25% increases, the maximum HP 50% decreases and magical attack power 59 increases
L7- Continuous hour 900 second, magical damage 25% increases, the maximum HP 50% decreases and magical attack power 281 increases

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increse the range of magic.
L1- Range 1.0m increase
L2- Range 2.0m increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short-distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)
L13- Magical attack power 437~535 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (the object 5)

R3C2: Root
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Stop the movement of a target?
L1- Restraint 2 grade
L5- Restraint 6 grade

R3C3: Earth Shock
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+390%), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5), blunting 2 grade (probability 30% and 20.0 seconds)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+390%), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5), blunting 6 grade (probability 30% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 20 second, physical damage 30% absorption, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )
L2- Continuous hour 20 second, physical damage 34% absorption, circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+325%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)

R4C1: Ice bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Physical attack power 32~39 (+271%), freeze probability 10% (effect 28 ), frostbite probability 40% (effect 28 )
L13- Physical attack power 437~535 (+271%), freeze probability 10% (effect 124), frostbite probability 40% (effect 124)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, combustion 2 grade
L5- Continuous hour 60 second, combustion 6 grade

Note: Hmm�anyone knows what�s the effect of combustion? Something to do with disrupting mental concentration and MP recoveries

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+325%), freeze probability 20% (effect 60), frostbite probability 80% (effect 60), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+325%), freeze probability 20% (effect 60), frostbite probability 80% (effect 60), front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Become transparent (invisible), can only be seen by party members, but cannot move. Will become visible again if other skills are used.
L1- Continuous hour 60 second, transparency 3 grade
L4- Continuous hour 60 second, transparency 6 grade

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Physical attack power 582~711 (+116%), freeze probability 10% (1 effect 140), frostbite probability 40% (1 effect 140), successive shot 3 times

Note: Magical attack 3-hit combo�

R5C1: Fire Bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+366%), burn probability 20% (status 28, lv 4)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+366%), burn probability 20% (status 140, lv 60)

R5C2: Fire Trap
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Set up an invisible fire trap on ground.
L1- Continuous hour 120 second, connection distance 30m, connection modification 1, magical attack power 55~67 (+439%), burn 30% (40, lv 10), circumference scope radius 7.0m (target 5)
L13- Continuous hour 120 second, connection distance 30m, connection modification 1, magical attack power 543~663 (+439%), burn probability 30% (136, lv 58 ), circumference scope radius 7.0m (target 5)

R5C3: Fire Blow
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+167%), burn probability 20% (7 effect 60, lv 20), successive shots 7 times, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+167%), burn probability 20% (7 effect 140, lv 60), successive shots 7 times, penetration scope (penetration up to 3), damage decrease -35%

Note: A 7-hit magical combo, with penetration.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Continuous hour 10 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), transparency discovery 3 grade.
L4- Continuous hour 10 second, circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 5), transparency discovery 6 grade.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+439%), burn probability 20% (effect 140, lv 60), front scope radius 3.0m (target 3)

R6C1: Lighting Bolt
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target 2), electric shock probability 15% (effect 28 )
L13- Magical attack power 437~535 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target 2), electric shock probability 15% (effect 124)

R6C2: Lighting Shock
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
Target inflicted with Fear does not attack you.
L1- Fear 2 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)
L5- Fear 6 grade (probability 80% and 10.0 seconds)

Note: Can someone confirm this?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Short distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 106~130 (+41%), electric shock probability 10% (6 times, effect 28 ), Knock-back probabilities 80% (6 times), successive shots 6 times, front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)
L11- Magical attack power 582~711 (+41%), electric shock probability 10% (6 times, effect 28 ), Knock-back probabilities 80% (6 times), successive shots 6 times, front scope radius 10.0m (target 5)

Note: 6-hit combo on 5 target with 80% push-back effect. o.O

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Staff
Dash/Teleport a certain distance.
L1- Travel distance 10.0m
L2- Travel distance 12.5m

Note: Euro version of phantom walk.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Staff
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+217%), transfer scope distance 10.0m (target object 3), electric shock probability 15% (effect 140)

buda priest skilleri :)

Priest,Cleric (Healer, Doktor, Hemşire...)
Bunlarlar Para veya Kasmak Karşılığında Başkasına Can, Mp, Buff Filan Atar.

Priest,Cleric Hangi Stat'a Vermelidir.
Full int Çünkü Magic Vurur.

Priest,Cleric Ne Kadar Güçlüdür?
Priest Fazla Güçlü Değildir.Amacı Yardım Etmektir...

Priest,Cleric Hangi Skilleri Kullanmalıdır?
Buff >> Priest
Genelde Bunlar Saldırı Amaçlı Değildir Başkasına yardım Etmek İçindir.Bir Kaçtani Saldırı İçindir.
-Resim Silinmiş.
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the damage of harp magic
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+199%)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+199%)

R2C2: Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 146 recovery
L9-HP 2025 recovery

R2C2: Rebirth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 152 recovery, MP 152 recovery and resurrection (lv 30, loss experience 5% rehabilitation)
HP 1128 recovery, MP 1128 recovery and resurrection (lv 70, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-Weakening, restricted and abnormal status treatment 2 grade,48 effect
L5- Weakening, restricted and abnormal status treatment 2 grade,128 effect

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Magical attack power 582~711 (+199%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 2694 recovery

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 3233 recovery, MP 3233 recovery and resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- HP recovery 2% increase and status ailment decrease (effect 20), status ailment probability 50% decrease (1 grade)
L9- HP recovery 18% increase and status ailment decrease (effect 68 ), status ailment probability 50% decrease (6 grade)

R4C1: Over Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Deal absolute damge to target, disregarding his defence.
L1-Absolute damage 623
L7-Aboslute damage2964

Note: This skill is potentially deadly to int char. The damage is surprisingly high.

R5C1: Group Healing
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Heal all party members in the specified area.
L1- HP 492 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )
L7- HP 2340 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 8 )

R5C2: Healing Division
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 492 recovery and transfer scope distance 30.0m (target 2)
L7- HP 2340 recovery and transfer scope distance 30.0m (target 2)

R5C3: Healing Cycle
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 205 recovery and continuous hour 16 second
L6- HP 673 recovery and continuous hour 16 second

Note: Slow healing, but heals a lot of HP over 16 second.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 15 second, physical defensive strength 115 increase, magical defensive strength 183 increase and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )
L7- Continuous hour 15 second, physical defensive strength 505 increase, magical defensive strength 808 increase and circumference scope radius 30.0m (target 8 )

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-HP 1643 recovery
L6-HP 5388 recovery

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 636 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 1), continuous hour 300 second
L4- HP 1256 recovery and circumference scope radius 25.0m (target 1), continuous hour 300 second

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 2544 recovery and circumference scope radius 15.0m (target 8 )
L3- HP 5024 recovery and circumference scope radius 15.0m (target 8 )

R7C1: Group Rebirth
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 8 ), HP 763 recovery, MP 763 recovery and resurrection (lv 60, loss experience 10% rehabilitation)
L3- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 8 ), HP 1616 recovery, MP 1616 recovery and resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- HP 100% recovery, resurrection (lv 60, loss experience 10% rehabilitation) and continuous hour 120 second, physical and magical damage 45% absorption, maximum HP 45% increase, physics and magical attack 50% decrease, buff end causes HP, MP 20% decrease)
L3- HP 100% recovery, resurrection (lv 80, loss experience 15% rehabilitation) and continuous hour 120 second, physical and magical damage 55% absorption, maximum HP 55% increase, physics and magical attack 50% decrease, buff end causes HP, MP 30% decrease)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Strength 1, intelligence 0, physical defensive strength 0, magical defensive strength 0 increase, weakening status decrease (effect 20) and weakening status probability 50% decrease (1 grade)
L9- Strength 8, intelligence 8, physical defensive strength 24, magical defensive strength 38 increase, weakening status decrease (effect 68 ) and weakening status probability 50% decrease (6 grade)

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Physical defensive strength 9 increase
L7- Physical defensive strength 44 increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
This effect will only apply when wearing light armor.
L1- Magical defensive strength 25 increase
L6- Magical defensive strength 81 increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magic
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1-magical attack power 275~336 (+967%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)
L6-magical attack power 582~711 (+967%), circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5)

Note: I know this skill got side effect, but not sure what it is.(die straight away? Very long cool down time?). The MP cost is 0 and the damage is 967% !!

R10C1: Holy Word
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, weakening, restriction and status ailment decrease (effect 48 ) and weakening, restriction and status ailment probability 100% decrease (2 grade)
L5- Continuous hour 30 second, weakening, restriction and status ailment decrease (effect 128 ) and weakening, restriction and status ailment probability 100% decrease (6 grade)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Inflict restraint status (unable to move)
L1- Restraint 3 grade (probability 80%, continuous hour 10.0 second)
L4- Restraint 6 grade (probability 80%, continuous hour 10.0 second)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Raise strength of 4 targets but cannot be used on yourself.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, strength 4 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L8- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, strength 23 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: Not sure what does the 50% stands for. It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 50% of the strength increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
Raised intelligent of 4 targets but cannot be used on yourself.
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, intelligence 9 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L7- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection modification 4, intelligence 25 increase, (currently 50% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 50% of the intelligence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, physical defensive strength 23 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L6- Continuous hour 1800 second, physical defensive strength 76 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 100% of the physical defence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, magical defensive strength 57 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)
L4- Continuous hour 1800 second, magical defensive strength 113 increase, (currently 100% of the maximum objective ability it peels but application)

Note: It is possible that the cleric who cast that skill lose 100% of the magical defence increase buffed to others. Anyone?

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Cleric rod
L1- Continuous hour 1800 second, connection distance 100m, connection

işyte warlock skilleri...
Bunlar Kara Büyü Yaparlar.Wizard kadar Olmasada Güçlü Vurur.. Ama Zehirleri Ve Özellikleri Çok Fenadır.
En Büyük Avantajı KALKAN Kullana Bilmektir.

Warlock Hangi Stat'a Vermelidir.
Full int Çünkü Magic Vurur.

Warlock Ne Kadar Güçlüdür?
Wizard Kadar Güçlüdür.Ama Wizard Ondan Güçlü Çakar.Ama Warlock'un Kalkan ve Güçlü Zehirleri Vardır.

Warlock Hangi Skilleri Kullanmalıdır?
Caster >> Warlock
Kara Büyü ve Güçlü Zehirler...
-Resim Silinmiş.
Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1-Magical attack power 4% increase
L15-Magical attack power 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
Increase the abnormal status duration inflicted by Dark magic.
L1- Continuity hour 20% increase
L2- Continuity hour 40% increase

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1-Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 32~39 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 28, lv 4)
L15- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 582~711 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 140, lv 60)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 55~67 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 40)
L13- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 136)

R2C3: Decay
Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict hemorrhage (severe bleeding).
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 106~130 (+37%), hemorrhage 2 grade (probability 25% and 10.0 seconds)
L11- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 582~711 (+37%), hemorrhage 6 grade (probability 25% and 10.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict blunting (decrease physical strength)
L1-Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 253~309 (+37%), blunting 4 grade (probability 25% and 20.0 seconds)
L6- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), blunting 6 grade (probability 25% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 377~460 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 120, lv 50), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)
L3- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 505~618 (+37%), burn probability 20% (effect 136, lv 58 ), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 12 second, connection modification 2, magical attack power 543~663 (+37%), poison probability 25% (effect 140), front scope radius 7.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict corruption status (weaken physical defence strength)
L1-Corruption 2 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L5-Corruption 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict Weak status (weaken magical defence)
L1- Weak 3 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L4- Weak 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod

Note: Can�t interpret the name of status effect. Something about �weaken physical attack� and �diminish magical damage�.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod

Note: Can�t interpret the name of status effect. Something about �increasing physical and magical damage received�

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon and empty hand
L1-Magical damage 4% increase
L15- Magical damage 60% increase

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon and empty hand
L1- Trap damage 115 increases
L4- Trap damage 377 increases

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Magical attack power 32~39 (+215%)
L15- Magical attack power 582~711 (+215%)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Lurk 5 grade (probability 80%)
L2- Lurk 6 grade (probability 80%)

Note: No idea what this does. Something related to trap.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Magical attack power 406~496 (+215%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)
L3- Magical attack power 543~663 (+215%), front scope radius 5.0m (target 3)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Stun 2 grade (probability 80% and 5 seconds)
L5- Stun 6 grade (probability 80% and 5 seconds)

Note: A spell with 80% stun!! This is a vey scary spell.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict nearsighted status effect (shorten the attack range of target)
L1- Nearsighted 3 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)
L4- Nearsighted 6 grade (probability 80% and 30.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Continuous hour 180 second, the maximum transformation possible level 50
L3- Continuous hour 180 second, the maximum transformation possible level 70

Note: No idea what the real effect is. Got to do with �confusion in position�

Skill form : Passive
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : All weapon or empty hand
L1- HP absorption quantity 64 increases, HP draining skill attack power 56 increases
L15- HP absorption Quantity 1190 increases, HP draining skill attack power 1034 increases

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Drain HP from target and heal oneself. This skill disgard target's defence strength.
L1-HP absorption 64
L11- HP absorption 660

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
A buff that will deals absolute damage (disregard defence strength) in the area around the target periodically.
L1- Continuous hour 16 second, circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5), absolute damage 126
L11- Continuous hour 16 second, circumference scope radius 5.0m (target 5), absolute damage 690

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Set up a protective layer upon on a party member other than yourself. Those who attack that member might be stunned.
L1- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, validity distance above connection modification 1, stun 3 grade (probability 25% and 5.0 seconds) and condition 10m
L4- Continuous hour 30 second, connection distance 100m, validity distance above connection modification 1, stun 6 grade (probability 25% and 5.0 seconds) and condition 10m

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Buff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Return magical damage back to the attacker. Damage returned is irregardless of the attacker�s defence.
L1- Continuous hour 16 second, damage return probability 35%, magical damage return ratio 30%, damage return radius 10.0m
L3- Continuous hour 16 second, damage return probability 35%, magical damage return ratio 60%, damage return radius 10.0m

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Long distance-magical
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Drain HP from target and heal oneself. This skill disgard target's defence strength.
L1-HP absorption 830
L3-HP absorption 1109

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflict sleep status. Sleep effect will be canceled if the target is hit or casted on.
L1- Sleep 2 grade (probability 80% and 20.0 seconds)
L5- Sleep 6 grade (probability 80% and 20.0 seconds)

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
Inflics panic status effect (weakens recovery and healing)
L1- Panic 3 grade (probability 80% and 15.0 seconds)
L4- Panic 6 grade (probability 80% and 15.0 seconds)

Note: Need confirmation.

Skill form : Active
Skill attribute : Debuff
Use Weapon : Warlock Rod
L1- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 1272 decreases
L4- Circumference scope radius 10.0m (target 4), with U him 2512 decreases [br]Şu tarihte gönderildi: 06 Temmuz 2007, 15:41:55[hr]bular da giysiler...

Wizard ve Warlock Giysileri
-Resim Silinmiş.

Light Armor (Protector)
Priest Giysisi
-Resim Silinmiş.

Not: Giysileri Skillere Göre Giye Biliriz.Lvle Göre Değil. Wizard Skillinin Lvl 21 Olan 21 lvl Robeleri Gilebilir Ama Daha AŞağı Olan Giyemez.

-Resim Silinmiş.
Son düzenleme yönetici tarafından yapıldı:
10 Mayıs 2007
Eline sağlık güzel alıntı yapmışın :mrgreen:

ama şu sos som sosun almak için gereken poınt ler hakkında bilgi yokmu o konuda pek bişi bilmiyoruz yani akedemi açıp ezük lere yardım edim bu poınt ten almak konusunda
20 Temmuz 2007
öncelikle ellerine sağlık demek istiyorum Wink

bana wizard mı tavsiye edersin warlock mu?
10 Mayıs 2007
Ev Gibisi Yok :)
Ellerine sağlık sağlam guide. Burda bir eksik var Two Handed Sword bunda açılması gereken skiller nelerdir hangileri max olmalıdır birazy ardımcı olabilirsen sevinirim teşekkürler iyi çalışmalar.
11 Şubat 2008
abicim , Myth yine yeni yeniden süpersin saol herkesin ihtiyacını karsılıyosun
bu arada 80 lvl wizard 80 lvl str full blader,glavier,bower,warrior,rogue,celeric ... hepsini 18k atack la tekte alıyo süper wizard bnde 2 li çar açma prog. bulursam wizard açıp kascam

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