28 Haziran 2007
Bi Forumda Buldum Alintidir arkadaşlar.Tek tikda calişiyormu bilemicem

here is the updated version of the translated bot.


- its now fully translated. (except 3 options, marked as WTF)
- HP, MP, Pills and other are now again in Chinese because the Bot could not recognize them in English, result: no autopot etc.

Use this Translation for Pots:

1. Herbs
2. potion (small)
3. potion (medium)
4. potion (large)
5. potion (xlarge)

- sorry guys skills cannot be translated.

how to use:

- Download

- Extract it.
- Open SibiPrecincts.exe
- Click on Login
- Run silkroad
- when you are logged in (in game world) press F7 for settings.
- setup the bot
- Push F6 to Start Bot, F8 to Stop Bot

Note: it doesnt loop himself (only hunting).

Guide: how to setup Skills

the skills cannot be translated. so use this guide to setup skills.

how to find imbue:
try to add every skill to the Buff section (one by one; not all at the same time)

in example: select first skill in the list, add this skill now to the buff section and click safe. now go back to silkroad and see if the bot is using the imbue as buff. if not then go back to settings, delete the skill from the list. add the second one and so on. till you find the imbue + all buffs.
(i know this sucks, but what you gonna do else, maybe someone other know an easier way :P)

once the imbue and all buffs are found, add the other skills to attack list.

how to make the bot loop:

(cant you read?)

have fun!



Bicheon Swordmanship

Strike n' smash 飛天一劍
Stab n' smash 飛天一斬
Crosswise smash 飛天月牙劍
- 飛天雙鱗劍
Illusion chain 連環劍一式·幻影
Blood chain 連環劍二式·血壁
Billow chain 連環劍二式·血浪
Ascension chain 連環劍三式·升天
Heaven chain 連環劍三式·敗天
Castle shield 強盛防盾術
Mountain shield 泰山防盾術
Ironwall shield 鐵壁防盾術
Blood blade force 飛劍落花
Soul blade force 飛天花網
Demon blade force 飛天無敵
Flower bloom blade 天殺訣·斬魂
Flower bud blade 天殺訣·斬魔
Dragon sore blade 天殺訣·藏鬼
Soul cut blade 破血劍氣
Evil cut blade 破魂劍氣
Devil cut blade 破鬼劍氣
- 破魔劍氣
Snake sword dance 人劍合一·血蛇
Petal sword dance 人劍合一·飛花
Shield protection 盾術強化

Heuksal Spearmanship

Wolf bite spear 滅絕狼牙槍
Waning moon spear 滅絕殘月槍
Yuhon spear 滅絕流魂槍
Bloody fan storm 血風輪舞
Bloody wolf storm 血浪輪舞
Bloody snake storm 血蛇輪舞
Dancing demon spear 黑殺鬼神槍
Jade breaking spear 黑殺碎巖槍
Spirit crash spear 黑殺鎖魂槍
- 黑殺無風牙
- 反攻槍無間
- 反攻槍無心
Soul spear-Move 離魂槍·動
Soul spear-Truth 離魂槍·震
Soul spear-Soul 離魂槍·魂
Ghost spear-Petal 鬼槍術·落花
Ghost spear-Prince 鬼槍術·太子
Ghost spear-Mars 鬼槍術·新軍
- 鬼槍術·龍王
Chain spear-Tiger 破輪槍一式飛虎
Chain spear-Nachal 破輪槍二式羅剎
Chain spear-Shura 破輪槍二式修羅
Chain spear-Pluto 破輪槍三式冥王
Chain spear-Dragon 破輪槍三式蛟龍
Flying dragon-Flow 飛龍·流
Flying dragon-Fly 飛龍·雨
Cheolsam Force 黑殺強身術

Pacheon Bowmanship

Anti devil bow-Missile 退魔弓術·閃
Anti devil bow-Wave 退魔弓術·光
Anti devil bow-Steel 退魔弓術·霞
- 退魔弓術·滅
2 Arrow combo 霹雷箭二連矢
3 Arrow combo 霹雷箭三連矢
4 Arrow combo 霹雷箭四連矢
5 Arrow combo 霹雷箭五連矢
White hawk summon 召喚白鷹
Black hawk summon 召喚黑鷹
Blue hawk summon 召喚青鷹
Demon soul arrow 破天追魂箭
Bloody soul arrow 破天血靈箭
Dragon soul arrow 破天臥龍箭
- 破天鳳凰箭
Autumn wind-Flame 秋風花翎箭
Autumn wind-Snake 秋風靈蛇箭
Autumn wind-Blood 秋風鐵血箭
Berserker arrow 戰神爆烈箭
Demon arrow 狂魔爆烈箭
Devil arrow 魔獸爆裂箭
Strong bow-Spirit 絕殺弓·心
Strong bow-Vision 絕殺弓·狂
Mind concentration 明鏡止水

Cold Force Mastery

Ice river force 冰鋒
Ice jade force 冰玉
Ice ocean force 冰河
Ice cloud force 冰雲
Weak guard of ice 冰氣護體壹·嵐
Soft guard of ice 冰氣護體貳·霜
Power guard of ice 冰氣護體參·若
Might guard of ice 冰氣護體肆·寒
Cold wave-Arrest 霜氣彈·冰縛
Cold wave-Binding 霜氣彈·冰懾
Cold wave-Shackle 霜氣彈·冰魄
Crystal wall 水晶冰壁
Snow wall 天山冰壁
Extreme wall 極道冰壁
- 萬年冰壁
Frost nova-Wind 烈冰訣·疾風
Frost nova-Woods 烈冰訣·枯林
Frost nova-Storm 烈冰訣·寒風
- 烈冰訣·冰霜
Snow storm-Ice shot 暴雪 第一式
Snow strom-Ice rain 暴雪 第二式
Cold Armor 玄冰護體

Lightning Force Mastery

Thundertiger force 電刃·雷虎
Thundersky force 電刃·雷鳥
Thunderking force 電刃·雷神
Thunderdragon force 電刃·雷龍
Must-Piercing force 雷息貫通·寸雷
Flow-Piercing force 雷息貫通·震雷
Speed-Piercing force 雷息貫通·迅雷
Force-Piercing force 雷息貫通·氣雷
Grass walk-Flow 奔雷步·流影
Ghost walk-phantom 鬼影步·亂影
Grass walk-Speed 奔雷步·風影
Shock lion shout 獅子吼·地震
Heaven lion shout 獅子吼·海嘯
Earth lion shout 獅子吼·逆天
- 獅子吼·怒吼
Concentration-1st 鳴禪 第一層
Concentration-2nd 鳴禪 第二層
Concentration-3rd 鳴禪 第三層
Concentration-4th 鳴禪 第四層
Wolf's thunderbolt 狂雷十狼陣
Tiger's thunderbolt 狂雷白虎陣
Heaven's Force 雷天閃

Fire Force Mastery

River fire force 炎刃 第一式
Extreme fire force 炎刃 第二式
Poison fire force 炎刃 第三式
Soul fire force 炎刃 第四式
Fire shield-Phoenix 炎靈咒盾·烈鳥
Fire shield-Flower 炎靈咒盾·暴焰
Fire shield-King 炎靈咒盾·炎神
Fire shield-Emperor 炎靈咒盾·炎皇
Flame body-Wisdom 火附體 離炎
Flame body-Power 火附體 奇炎
Flame body-Extreme 火附體 疾炎
Basic fire protection 火靈護體 星火
Divine fire protection 火靈護體 焰火
Hard fire protection 火靈護體 烈火
Fire wall-Tower 炎壁術·赤塔
Fire wall-Mountain 炎壁術·火山
Fire wall-Castle 炎壁術·要塞
Flame wave-Arrow 火箭暴焰波
Flame wave-Burning 烈火暴焰波
Flame wave-Wide 狂暴暴焰波
Flame wave-Bomb 火彈暴焰波
- 炎火暴焰波
Flame devil force 暴焰魂

Force Power Mastery

Self breathe heal 內療術 治療
Self force heal 內療術 治癒
Self wounds heal 內療術 痊癒
Self vital heal 內療術 元氣
Force cure-Poison 淨化術 第一層
Force cure-Body 淨化術 第二層
Force cure-Condiion 淨化術 第三層
Force cure-Vital 淨化術 第四層
Heal-Medical hand 醫療術 水窮
Heal-Ghost hand 醫療術 雲起
Heal-Taoist hand 醫療術 漪溟
Soul rebirth art 復活心訣 歸靈術
Ghost rebirth art 復活心訣 歸命術
Spirit rebirth art 復活心訣 歸魂術
- 復活心訣 歸魄術
Harmony theraphy 六御神醫陣
Adaptation theraphy 十二天神醫陣
Whole theraphy 一體神醫陣
Vital Spot-Muscle 點穴術 曲池
Vital Spot-Spirit 點穴術 陽關
Force Increasing 五內經

all the skills translated ^^
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