Yeni yıl etkinliğinden herkese merhaba,
Etkinlik 22 Ocak 2019 - 19 Şubat 2019 tarihlerinde sizlerle olacak.
- Yaratık katlettiğinizde LUCKYBOX düşecek.
- LUCKYBOX'ları NPC'den ödüllerle takas edebilirsiniz.
Monster Summon Order
Pandora's Box
500 HP increase Scroll
500 MP increase Scroll
HP Recovery Potion (Small)
MP Recovery Potion (Small)
Vigor Recovery Grains (Small)
Berserker Regeneration Potion
Scroll of Strength
Scroll of Intelligence
Scroll of Evasion
Hit Scroll
Trigger Scroll
Attribute stone of flesh(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of life(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of mind(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of spirit(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of dodging(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of courage(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of warriors(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of philosophy(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of meditation(Lvl.15) (Tablet)
Attribute stone of challenge(Lvl.15) (Tablet)

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