
5 Eylül 2018
Hello everyone,

What is VSROMAX V2?

Today i would like to interduce to the future of vsro188. I have been working on these features for almost 1 year to get everything, so i did not have a client base to work on, so i have to match one, which is ready and can be used now. VSROMAX V2 is a custom VSR188 server file and client that includes fixes and features that no other public or private files does.

Why choosing VSROMAX V2?
-VSROMAX V2 is custom built server files and client from the base of vsro188.
-VSROMAX V2 contains fixes and preformance improvments that no other files does.
-VSROMAX V2 includes features and fixes that no one wants to find anywhere anywhere.

What are the features of VSROMAX V2?

October 18 2018: V3.1

Client and Server Features:
-Fixed the smc start problem in V3.0, i released my full smc+plugins, this is a very improved version with alot of bugs fixed, and i strongly demand to use it only with vsromax, im not responsible for any bugs it does to original vsro188 files.

-Fixed the EU/CH mastery level up problem in previous versions.

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

Note: Patch your smc with my smc patch folder included in V3.1
Note2: SMC takes some time to load all plugins, but no worries.

Thanks to: JustNrik, flafanduc, Aishak, for reporting bugs.

Download from the first post.


October 17 2018: V3.0

Note: Patch your smc with my smc patch folder included in V3.0.

Client and Server Features:
-Added new feature, display party leader on map and minimap ^_^, (Premium Version + Extra one time charge)

-Added new feature, AUTO LOGIN in VSROMAX v3.0 if the server reached its maximum capacity, there will be queue for an auto login, it works by whoever is next to login, its not random. (Premium Version + Extra one time charge)

Fixed the stupid bug in silkroad if you spawn more than 10 rocs, client crashes because of items drop packets size limitations.

-Modifed the database system to use SQLExecDirect With Client Cursor to lower the load on the server and improve the preformance.

-Fixed the level up bug with /ZOE command when your max level gets over by the cap by 1

-If someone tried to exploit the cos pet function in game or somehow the gameserver ended up with a wrong position for char or a pet it will show an error msg "REGIONMGR exception" with all the needed information. Even if someone tried to bypass the navmesh it will show an error.

-If someone tried to dupe the PET HGP potions will get an error invalid slot, followed by an error msg in gs "Check packet size on the use of item potion recovery."

-If the game server failed to get the pet data it will return error and also ID = 0 so it wont crash. And you will get the following error msg "COS_PERMANENTDATA Error" and "PC_PERMANENTDATA Error"

-Added some new exception handlers: these will help server owners identify the crashes faster. OnFloatingPointErr() Called, OnIllegalIntruction() Called ,OnBreakException() Called, OnIllegalStorageAccess() Called ,OnTermniationRequest() Called

-Added more checks that can cause the gameserver to crash if the COS data is null you will get error msgs like "Pet's owner PC is null" and "PC Logout because Pet's data is null", "GoldPet::Create() invalid Permanent Data : RefCharID is 0" , "GoldPet::Create() Invalid Permanent Data : Is not Gold Pet",
"GoldPet::Create() Invalid PC : No DB ID",

-If the gameserver generated a serial number that is already been using by another thing in the db you will get all the errors in a file called "CatchIdGeneratorCount.txt", this will be helpful fixing duplicate problems etc.

-Fixed the most annoying bug in this files, the overlap count was not getting released from the memory causes for example the shard manager overlap count goes up to 500k if you have a big player base causing decreases in the server preformace and lag.

-Fixed a bug that happen when you try to summon pets in the game server because of calling the wrong check function.

-Fixed a bug with grap pets when you can pick up quests items of another players and pickup "ITEM_QNO_RM_ARCHEMY" of another players, thats fixed now.

-Fixed an array bug in qtutorial npcs.

-Fixed the shard manager schedules check function it was not looping right.

-Fixed the calculation period for Type 3 , Type 4 schedules in shard manager.

-Fixed a bug that happen when monsters are trying to attack daggers.

-Fixed a bug if the item have more than 10 magic options, you will not be able to repair it.

-Fixed a bug with the PETS trying to pickup items out of distance that will cause the gameserver to lag sometimes, i decreased the allowed distance to be a lower by a few to make sure it doesnt happen again.

-Fixed a problem where return value was missing according to whether or not the world was created or was not successful created when trying to enter the world, as maps or dungeons.

-Fixed a duplicate check bug in game world entry count when teleporting, lets say you are trying to teleport to a dungeon or a world that is maximum enteries are 2 for each, gs was counting that as one time only. thats an annoying bug, fixed now.

-Fixed a bug with Check Kill Player Condition it was a logical bug

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

Auto login:

Party leader location display on map and minimap:

Download from the first post.


October 10 2018: V2.9

Client and Server:
-Fixed the SKILL EDIT POTION item wasnt working in previous versions of VSROMAX.
-Fixed the silk points payment device in npc, you cant buy any item for 0 cost anymore. (VSRO188 by default do not support that payment device, you will always buy any item that is set to be sold by silk points for 0 cost) Now you have a new payment device ^_^ .
-Fixed the pet exploit crash, it was used on reality-reborn GO (just wanted to make sure none of vsromax customers get attacked by it).
-Please update your client by the client patch including the new type.txt

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted from lower to higher numbers).

October 5th 2018: V2.8

VSROMAX V2.8 is free to use its not time limited anymore.
VSROMAX V2.8 public version is players limited (MAX 50 players)

VSROMAX SBotP cracked version released check it here

Client and Server:
-Restored the skills data encryption useage, since bots use it.
-Fixed the item mall Milage points were not showing.
-Improved the quantity query optimization for shops.
-Applied the memcpy c++, file are more faster and optimized now.
-Fixed alot of exploits that can crash the gameserver in normal vsro188 in fortress system, such as attacking dead objects, etc.
-Fixed a bug where gold required to repurchase non repayable items from the npc in vsro188
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 happen when you spawn in game with a character that have a dead pet and the gameserver try to get the pet name cause a null pointer and gs crash.
-Fixed another bug in fortress system that can cause the the gs to crash because of a wrong check for the pet owner.
-Added 5 new exception handling functions that helps the files to not crash in the normal crashing situations that happen in vsro188
-Dumps files will be collected to a folder called DumpFolder.
-Improved the reinforce delete alchemy function when you fuse more than 1 alchemy of the same type, that fixed the avatar magic opt exploit permanent.
-Added gateway ddos auto block
-Disabled the non privileged ip check for gms account.

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

Septemper 27 2018: V2.6

Client and Server:
-Fixed the Devil/Angel Spirits MagicStone client crash bug in vsro188, your client will not crash anymore if you are trying to strength your Devil/Angel Spirits with Devil's MagicStone.
-Fixed the crash bug with ROC teleport gate.
-Fixed the crash bug with sml2 tags for some items.
-Added CTF reward in server.cfg "CTF_REWARD_ITEM"
-Added CTF killer reward in server.cfg. "CTF_KILLER_REWARD_ITEM"
-Added Uniques kills log to the db.
-Added All chat log.
-Added Whisper chat log.
-Added Academy chat log.
-Added Party chat log.
-Added Guild chat log.
-Added Union chat log.
-Added Global chat log.
-Added some SQLI security checks in some functions.
-Modified the Stall Network fees to 10% instead of 1%

DataBase Side:
-Please execute SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_5.sql

Special thanks to the server owners for reporting bugs
Menikon (Premium Customer)
DemonRoad (Premium Customer)
Aaron (Under Development)
Special thanks for @Ɗoc <3

-Fixed Devil/Angel MagicStone crash in vsro188

Septemper 13 2018: V2.5

Client Side:

-Fixed the trade pet inventory bug, wasnt showing the Total Amount in the UI.

-Fixed the trade pet inventory crash when trying to buy trade goods.

-Added old stall network (F Key) with fixed dupe bug (You can ask for the vsro188 version if you dont like the old one).

-Fixed the wrong password notice in the client its not 3 out 1 anymore.

-Added new feature commas and gold colors to the tooltip and game UI like newer sro versions.

-Fixed the EXP bar crash when level up.

Server Side:

-Added old stall network with fixed dupe bug (You can ask for the vsro188 version if you dont like the old one.)

-Fixed the invisible exploit in vsro188.

-Fixed the avatar magic opt exploit in vsro188.

-Fixed the fortress war guild introduction sqli by a proper way.

-New server files design.

-Changed the [warnning] to [warning].

-Fixed the EXP, SEXP ratio bug, (Please note that silkroad rates are divided on 100.0f, lets say if you added in the server.cfg 3000 that will be calculated as 300 because it will get divided by 100.0f).

-Trijob ranking system, will get auto update with academy system.

DataBase Side:

-Please execute SP in SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_2.sql (_AddTimedJob Stored Procedure).

-Please execute SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_3.sql (_AddNewClientConfig Stored Procedure).

How to deploy on dirty db:

//If you are going to use dirty db then you have to execute these.

INSERT _FriendGroup Values @newcharID, 0, 'Unclassified') / @newcharID (Write a query to get the charid from _Char table and let that query do it job)

exec _AddNewClientConfig @newcharID / @newcharID (Write a query to get the charid from _Char table and let that query do it job)

Special thanks to the server owners for reporting bugs

-New server design

-Old Stall network

-Colorful gold, commas

-Wrong password msg

Greetings MeGaMaX.

Septemper 6 2018: V2.2

Client Side:
-Disabled the skills data encryption. Client now reads the normal skills data.
-Enabled multiclient in sro_client.exe and silkroad.exe for testing purposes. (since edxloader does not work with packed exes)
-Added the missing file that was causing the client crash at the start up
-Add client cap change function in type.txt (it changes everything, level, pet, party, quests, etc)
-Add Chinese mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Europe mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Academy config change functions in type.txt (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel)
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw,

Server Side:
-Disabled the login captcha
-Disabled the BSOBJ error msgs for silk and gold prices.
-Bypassed the limitations of the ratios.
-Fixed the Party spawn percentage function in server.cfg.
-Add Academy config change functions in server.cfg (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel, AcademySubMentorGraduateLevel, AcademyCharMaxLevelForGivingHonorPoints, AcademyMaxApprenticeJoinLevel, AcademyMaxSubMentorJoinLevel, (float) AcademyHonorPointsEXPRate)
-Fixed the private dupe bug in vsro188 with the consignment market
-Fixed a bug with the world instance kicking the party when the party leader gets gets changed.
-Fixed the known vsro 2 bugs in the alchemy socket system for bypassing the socket item usage limitations.
-Fixed bug with the guild system do not update the location in the gui for the guild members.
-Fixed a bug in vsro 188 if you have honor buffs you can summon multiple (pets, cos)
-Improved the db system by rewriting thread id and the query id logics.
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where sometimes the ctf flag picker name doesnt show up
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where you can trade the activated avatar items through the guild storage.
-Added MAX_JOB_LEVEL in server.cfg to set the max job level.
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw,

DataBase Side:
-Added the missing SP in SRO_VT_ACCOUNT_PATCH.sql (You need it to login).

SMC Side:
-New Verdata.dll (allowing you to upload sro_client.key to the launcher)

Septemper 4 2018: V2.1
-Removed the billing cgi, its not needed anymore.
-Removed the client and server on the same machine.
-Removed the media files.

September 3, 2018: V2.0
-Item Chat Linking NO !! (Premium Version)
-New Guild GUI, System YES !!.
-New Friend System YES !!.
-New Friend Group System YES !!.
-New Party System, (Choose Leader) YES !!.
-New Block Whisper System.
-New Block All Chat System.
-New Block All Incoming Friend Requests System.
-New Block Incoming Guild Invite System.
-New Block Incoming Trade System.
-New Block Incoming Party Matching System.
-New Extended Quick Slot Bar.
-You dont get down killed when you get killed.
-Fix for the trijob system EXP code.
-Fix for the Trijob system ranking code.
-Fixed a bug that you can attack a COS which does not have a owner (NULL).
-Fixed the monsters attack location bug, you wont get attacked if the monsters are not right direction vector.
-Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loop to be rolled when generating TimedJob of unknown category.
-Fixed a magic blues but when the set group item will use the wrong magic group id.
-Fixed a bug and improved the preformance of FindItemByDBID function that causes the GS to lag and stuck in a loop which decrases the preformance.
-Fixed the Fortress NPC SQLI hardcoded.
-Added the structures of CT GATES.
-Fixed a bug when you can attack the COS of your teammates or guildmates in fortress world if they are dead or if the gameserver ccouldnt find the OWNERID.
-Fixed a ddtp skill bug in the skills system that you can level up the skill without canceling the active one, the character to be able to use both.
-Fixed a bug where you could board the COS immediately after using invisible
-You can set the ARENA item reward in server.cfg
-Fixed a bug if there is a reserved skill, the client may not finish the animation, so it should be sync now.
-Fixed a serious bug if you are in an abnormal state, sometimes your character is dont deal with other types of damage, thats fixed now.
-Added the ability to set the players count for party monsters to spawn in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the percentage of party monsters spawn in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the server cap in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the CH mastery cap in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the EU mastery in server.cfg
-Disabled the trader can follow someone in the job state.
-Fixed the party EXP code where it was not balanced.
-Added a code to maintain only the used crest files in the shardmanager. which gives more optimized speed.
-The party system is now distribute the EXP by the DONOR and the critic attacker, the other old logic was bugged in vsro188.
-Changed the silk consumption formula, the GameServer should now use the Real Silk first, instead of otherss.
-Fixed the Party monsters life cycle, it was bugged in vsro188 causing the party mobs never despawn.
-Fixed the CLAMP logic code bug.

What are the future of VSROMAX V2?
-Its still under development and i will keep working on it as far as i have free time.
-Reported bugs and crashes either for server or client will be fixed (Better to include the .dmp files).
-There will be free version of VSROMAX V2 will be free to use for 15 days only.
-There will be a premium version and plans for VSROMAX V2 if you want to get a copy for your server, I will leave my skype at the end of the thread.

VSROMAX V2 Pictures
-Guild System GUI

-Guild NPC

-Block Systems GUI

-Party System GUI

-Chat Item Linking

-New Friends, Groups System

-New Quick Slot Bar

Video Preview:

Setup Guide:
-Download the VSROMAX V2.0.7z from the end of the thread.
-Download the latest 7z extractor, google it.
-Extract the archive.
-Put Media files in your media.pk2
-Copy sro_client.exe and sro_client.key to your original vsro188 client.
-Copy the server files to your server dir and configure the server.cfg.
-Patch up your SRO_VT_SHARD with Patch.sql USE MSSQL STUDIO ONLY
-Run the client and test.

VSROMAX differences between PUBLIC and PREMIUM version:

Public Version:
-Public version doesnt have item linking.
-Public version doesnt have chat logs.
-Public version doesnt have uniques kills logs.
-Public version is players count limited (MAX 50 players).

Premium Version:
-Premium version does have all features fully working (Item linking, unlimited players).
-Premium version supports your hwid dll by your request (You have to own the hwid dll source code)

Up on request features:
-Chat logs is extra charge feature.
-Uniques kills is extra charge feature.
-Custom Astral fail + is extra charge feature.

Special requests
-You can ask for a custom feature, that will be extra charge.

VSROMAX V2.0 Release Information:
-Files are protected and packed, if you dont trust it just run it under virtual machine.
-Only report bugs releated to the VSROMAX V2.0 server and client, not your db bugs.
-EDXLoader is not working with my sro_client since its packed.
-Premium version is rented monthly. Contact me for more information.
-Other questions will be ignored.

VSROMAX V3.1 Information:
Version: 3.1 Public free to use (MAX 50 Players).
Known bugs: None.
Bot Status: Working (SBot 1.0.38 )

VSROMAX V3.1 Download:

Contact Information:
Skype Here

Thanks Greetings,
Son düzenleme:
12 Eylül 2007
Great job bro

Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam bu muhterem kardeşimizde exelerin açık kaynak kodları var. Umarım bir gün onlarıda babasının hayrına paylaşır. :curtain:
27 Mayıs 2016
Great job bro

Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam bu muhterem kardeşimizde exelerin açık kaynak kodları var. Umarım bir gün onlarıda babasının hayrına paylaşır. :curtain:
Paylaşmasın,kendisi profesyonelce geliştirirse geliştirsin,silkroad daha fazlasını kaldıramaz fileslerin paylaşılmasıyla gördük nolduğunu.
12 Eylül 2007
Paylaşmasın,kendisi profesyonelce geliştirirse geliştirsin,silkroad daha fazlasını kaldıramaz fileslerin paylaşılmasıyla gördük nolduğunu.
Bir ara server açtı. Ama bunun kafa arap kafası işte, oyun cümbüş yeriydi tutunamadı kapattı gitti. Kendi beceremiyor yani :olucem:


5 Eylül 2018
Septemper 6 2018: V2.2

Client Side:
-Disabled the skills data encryption. Client now reads the normal skills data.
-Enabled multiclient in sro_client.exe and silkroad.exe for testing purposes. (since edxloader doesnt work with packed exes)
-Added the missing file that was causing the client crash at the start up
-Add client cap change function in type.txt (it changes everything, level, pet, party, quests, etc)
-Add Chinese mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Europe mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Academy config change functions in type.txt (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel)
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw, deposit, max trade job gold, etc)

Server Side:
-Disabled the login captcha
-Disabled the BSOBJ error msgs for silk and gold prices.
-Bypassed the limitations of the ratios.
-Fixed the Party spawn percentage function in server.cfg.
-Add Academy config change functions in server.cfg (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel, AcademySubMentorGraduateLevel, AcademyCharMaxLevelForGivingHonorPoints, AcademyMaxApprenticeJoinLevel, AcademyMaxSubMentorJoinLevel, (float)AcademyHonorPointsEXPRate)
-Fixed the private dupe bug in vsro188 with the consignment market
-Fixed a bug with the world instance kicking the party when the party leader gets changed.
-Fixed the known vsro 2 bugs in the alchemy socket system for bypassing the socket item usage limitations.
-Fixed bug with the guild system do not update the location in the gui for the guild members.
-Fixed a bug in vsro 188 if you have honor buffs you can summon multiple (pets, cos)
-Improved the db system by rewriting thread id and the query id logics.
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where sometimes the ctf flag picker name doesnt show up
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where you can trade the activated avatar items through the guild storage.
-Added MAX_JOB_LEVEL in server.cfg to set the max job level.
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw, deposit, max trade job gold, etc)

DataBase Side:
-Added the missing SP in SRO_VT_ACCOUNT_PATCH.sql (You need it to login).

SMC Side:
-New Verdata.dll (allowing you to upload sro_client.key to the launcher)
28 Temmuz 2012
nWo ~
Arksolid çok canını sıktı sanırım :lol:


5 Eylül 2018
Septemper 13 2018: V2.5

Client Side:

-Fixed the trade pet inventory bug, wasnt showing the Total Amount in the UI.

-Fixed the trade pet inventory crash when trying to buy trade goods.

-Added old stall network (F Key) with fixed dupe bug (You can ask for the vsro188 version if you dont like the old one).

-Fixed the wrong password notice in the client its not 3 out 1 anymore.

-Added new feature commas and gold colors to the tooltip and game UI like newer sro versions.

-Fixed the EXP bar crash when level up.

Server Side:

-Added old stall network with fixed dupe bug (You can ask for the vsro188 version if you dont like the old one.)

-Fixed the invisible exploit in vsro188.

-Fixed the avatar magic opt exploit in vsro188.

-Fixed the fortress war guild introduction sqli by a proper way.

-New server files design.

-Changed the [warnning] to [warning].

-Fixed the EXP, SEXP ratio bug, (Please note that silkroad rates are divided on 100.0f, lets say if you added in the server.cfg 3000 that will be calculated as 300 because it will get divided by 100.0f).

-Trijob ranking system, will get auto update with academy system.

DataBase Side:

-Please execute SP in SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_2.sql (_AddTimedJob Stored Procedure).

-Please execute SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_3.sql (_AddNewClientConfig Stored Procedure).

How to deploy on dirty db:

//If you are going to use dirty db then you have to execute these.

INSERT _FriendGroup Values @newcharID, 0, 'Unclassified') / @newcharID (Write a query to get the charid from _Char table and let that query do it job)

exec _AddNewClientConfig @newcharID / @newcharID (Write a query to get the charid from _Char table and let that query do it job)

Special thanks to the server owners for reporting bugs

-New server design

-Old Stall network

-Colorful gold, commas

-Wrong password msg

Greetings MeGaMaX.


5 Eylül 2018
Septemper 27 2018: V2.6

Client and Server:
-Fixed the Devil/Angel Spirits MagicStone client crash bug in vsro188, your client will not crash anymore if you are trying to strength your Devil/Angel Spirits with Devil's MagicStone.
-Fixed the crash bug with ROC teleport gate.
-Fixed the crash bug with sml2 tags for some items.
-Added CTF reward in server.cfg "CTF_REWARD_ITEM"
-Added CTF killer reward in server.cfg. "CTF_KILLER_REWARD_ITEM"
-Added Uniques kills log to the db.
-Added All chat log.
-Added Whisper chat log.
-Added Academy chat log.
-Added Party chat log.
-Added Guild chat log.
-Added Union chat log.
-Added Global chat log.
-Added some SQLI security checks in some functions.
-Modified the Stall Network fees to 10% instead of 1%

DataBase Side:
-Please execute SRO_VT_SHARD_PATCH_5.sql

Special thanks to the server owners for reporting bugs
Menikon (Premium Customer)
DemonRoad (Premium Customer)
Aaron (Under Development)
Special thanks for @Ɗoc <3

-Fixed Devil/Angel MagicStone crash in vsro188



5 Eylül 2018
VSROMAX V2.8 is free to use its not time limited anymore.
VSROMAX V2.8 public version is players limited (MAX 50 players)

Client and Server:

-Restored the skills data encryption useage, since bots use it.
-Fixed the item mall Milage points were not showing.
-Improved the quantity query optimization for shops.
-Applied the memcpy c++, file are more faster and optimized now.
-Fixed alot of exploits that can crash the gameserver in normal vsro188 in fortress system, such as attacking dead objects, etc.
-Fixed a bug where gold required to repurchase non repayable items from the npc in vsro188
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 happen when you spawn in game with a character that have a dead pet and the gameserver try to get the pet name cause a null pointer and gs crash.
-Fixed another bug in fortress system that can cause the the gs to crash because of a wrong check for the pet owner.
-Added 5 new exception handling functions that helps the files to not crash in the normal crashing situations that happen in vsro188
-Dumps files will be collected to a folder called DumpFolder.
-Improved the reinforce delete alchemy function when you fuse more than 1 alchemy of the same type, that fixed the avatar magic opt exploit permanent.
-Added gateway ddos auto block
-Disabled the non privileged ip check for gms account.

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

VSROMAX differences between PUBLIC and PREMIUM version:

Public Version:
-Public version doesnt have item linking.
-Public version doesnt have chat logs.
-Public version doesnt have uniques kills logs.
-Public version is players count limited (MAX 50 players).

Premium Version:
-Premium version does have all features fully working (Item linking, unlimited players).
-Premium version supports your hwid dll by your request (You have to own the hwid dll source code)

Up on request features:
Chat logs is extra charge feature.
Uniques kills is extra charge feature.
-Custom Astral fail + is extra charge feature.

Special requests
-You can ask for a custom feature, that will be extra charge.


5 Eylül 2018
October 10 2018: V2.9

Client and Server:
-Fixed the SKILL EDIT POTION item wasnt working in previous versions of VSROMAX.
-Fixed the silk points payment device in npc, you cant buy any item for 0 cost anymore. (VSRO188 by default do not support that payment device, you will always buy any item that is set to be sold by silk points for 0 cost) Now you have a new payment device ^_^ .
-Fixed the pet exploit crash, it was used on reality-reborn GO (just wanted to make sure none of vsromax customers get attacked by it).
-Please update your client by the client patch including the new type.txt

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted from lower to higher numbers).


5 Eylül 2018
October 17 2018: V3.0

Note: Patch your smc with my smc patch folder included in V3.0.

Client and Server Features:
-Added new feature, display party leader on map and minimap ^_^, (Premium Version + Extra one time charge)

-Added new feature, AUTO LOGIN in VSROMAX v3.0 if the server reached its maximum capacity, there will be queue for an auto login, it works by whoever is next to login, its not random. (Premium Version + Extra one time charge)

Fixed the stupid bug in silkroad if you spawn more than 10 rocs, client crashes because of items drop packets size limitations.

-Modifed the database system to use SQLExecDirect With Client Cursor to lower the load on the server and improve the preformance.

-Fixed the level up bug with /ZOE command when your max level gets over by the cap by 1

-If someone tried to exploit the cos pet function in game or somehow the gameserver ended up with a wrong position for char or a pet it will show an error msg "REGIONMGR exception" with all the needed information. Even if someone tried to bypass the navmesh it will show an error.

-If someone tried to dupe the PET HGP potions will get an error invalid slot, followed by an error msg in gs "Check packet size on the use of item potion recovery."

-If the game server failed to get the pet data it will return error and also ID = 0 so it wont crash. And you will get the following error msg "COS_PERMANENTDATA Error" and "PC_PERMANENTDATA Error"

-Added some new exception handlers: these will help server owners identify the crashes faster. OnFloatingPointErr() Called, OnIllegalIntruction() Called ,OnBreakException() Called, OnIllegalStorageAccess() Called ,OnTermniationRequest() Called

-Added more checks that can cause the gameserver to crash if the COS data is null you will get error msgs like "Pet's owner PC is null" and "PC Logout because Pet's data is null", "GoldPet::Create() invalid Permanent Data : RefCharID is 0" , "GoldPet::Create() Invalid Permanent Data : Is not Gold Pet",
"GoldPet::Create() Invalid PC : No DB ID",

-If the gameserver generated a serial number that is already been using by another thing in the db you will get all the errors in a file called "CatchIdGeneratorCount.txt", this will be helpful fixing duplicate problems etc.

-Fixed the most annoying bug in this files, the overlap count was not getting released from the memory causes for example the shard manager overlap count goes up to 500k if you have a big player base causing decreases in the server preformace and lag.

-Fixed a bug that happen when you try to summon pets in the game server because of calling the wrong check function.

-Fixed a bug with grap pets when you can pick up quests items of another players and pickup "ITEM_QNO_RM_ARCHEMY" of another players, thats fixed now.

-Fixed an array bug in qtutorial npcs.

-Fixed the shard manager schedules check function it was not looping right.

-Fixed the calculation period for Type 3 , Type 4 schedules in shard manager.

-Fixed a bug that happen when monsters are trying to attack daggers.

-Fixed a bug if the item have more than 10 magic options, you will not be able to repair it.

-Fixed a bug with the PETS trying to pickup items out of distance that will cause the gameserver to lag sometimes, i decreased the allowed distance to be a lower by a few to make sure it doesnt happen again.

-Fixed a problem where return value was missing according to whether or not the world was created or was not successful created when trying to enter the world, as maps or dungeons.

-Fixed a duplicate check bug in game world entry count when teleporting, lets say you are trying to teleport to a dungeon or a world that is maximum enteries are 2 for each, gs was counting that as one time only. thats an annoying bug, fixed now.

-Fixed a bug with Check Kill Player Condition it was a logical bug

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

Auto login:

Party leader location display on map and minimap:

Download from the first post.



5 Eylül 2018
October 18 2018: V3.1

Client and Server Features:
-Fixed the smc start problem in V3.0, i released my full smc+plugins, this is a very improved version with alot of bugs fixed, and i strongly demand to use it only with vsromax, im not responsible for any bugs it does to original vsro188 files.

-Fixed the EU/CH mastery level up problem in previous versions.

DataBase Side:
-Nothing changed (Make sure all the queries are excuted)

Note: Patch your smc with my smc patch folder included in V3.1
Note2: SMC takes some time to load all plugins, but no worries.

Thanks to: JustNrik, flafanduc, Aishak, for reporting bugs.

Download from the first post.

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