20 Mart 2008
Updates and news
Timer of release will be added 24hours before release

[ We are looking for quality staff members ]
If you have what it takes to be that one send me a email on the bottom ( Deepblue7 link )
We are currently looking for 4 Gamemasters to maintain the servers, and supporting ingame gameplay.
You will be working with a team of 14 other gamemasters containing 2 main admins.
The admins are the ones giving the reports trough email to you and letting you deal with the problem at hand.

We are also looking for new forum staff
Currently we have a great team for our forum but due to expanding we are looking for more quality moderators
You can also email us about that using the ( Team deepblue7 ) Link in the bottom

When writing to us, be sure to include all your information and what you are capable of.
Thank you for reading

ark.lar boyle bır sey buldum bilginize yarar belki ?!!!!!!.....
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