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Shocks Media pk2 v3
Notice : You have To Have The Data.pk2 Or This Will Not Work
Notice2 : I have been working for few days straight on this Im going to take a few day break so expect
New Update sometime next week, unless I decide to release earlier.
You need to download these 2 files
http://files.filefront.com/ShocksMediapk2v3rar/;12475818;/fileinfo.html(Media.pk2 & Particles.pk2
http://rapidshare.com/files/168305880/Data.part1.rar(Data.pk2 Part1)
http://rapidshare.com/files/168313984/Data.part2.rar(Data.pk2 Part2)
http://rapidshare.com/files/168285252/ShocksMedia.pk2v3.rar(Media.pk2 & Particles.pk2)
After those are downloaded go into your ecsro folder backup
Then the files you downloaded extract them into your ecsro folder. Start the game and enjoy some cool shit!!
This makes ecsro so much more fun if someone could help me with weapon skills I will give you the download for this I just got tired of normal ecsro and I know everyone else is as you can see in video what I have finished the only thing now is the weapon skills and im having trouble getting them to work so like I said if you can help me out would be appreciated!
Im still thinking about releasing to the public most likely when I get all the weapon skills and weapon icons to the level 100-120 I will
notice: These nukes are huge they love to eat your frames
This my my media.pk2 I take full credit for it so when its released I don't want some little noobs saying they made it. Who ever helps me with the weapon skills , or anything you will have credit on this aswell. As of right now this is the only media.pk2 with these things added and only about 10people have this. I plan on going to maybe version 6. I can put anything from kSRO for ecsro. mobs , pets , ect.. anything
If any pk2 developers want to hit me up maybe we can get together add new under bar or some other things. Make some different textures I don't know we could think of something.
If you know how to use photoshop and pk2 underbars or pk2 anything really. Send me a private message.
Also if you have anything you would like added just post a comment. If its decent I will think about adding it. Please be mature about it no. 0mg add g0d m0de unlimited g0ld. Simple things like changing wolfs, grab pets , mounts, icons, textures really anything if you think of it. I know I cant think of everything so why don't you all help me out.
Things To Look For In v4
All Mounts Changed
All Trade mounts Changed
Last Book of Each Weapon skill level 100-120
Map With Unique spawns on it
Updated Event Message
11/28 : I Decided to release this version to the public. I'm still having trouble with the weapon skills. So once again if anyone can help me. Send me a private message it would be really appreciated.
Notice : You have To Have The Data.pk2 Or This Will Not Work
Notice2 : I have been working for few days straight on this Im going to take a few day break so expect
New Update sometime next week, unless I decide to release earlier.
You need to download these 2 files
http://files.filefront.com/ShocksMediapk2v3rar/;12475818;/fileinfo.html(Media.pk2 & Particles.pk2
http://rapidshare.com/files/168305880/Data.part1.rar(Data.pk2 Part1)
http://rapidshare.com/files/168313984/Data.part2.rar(Data.pk2 Part2)
http://rapidshare.com/files/168285252/ShocksMedia.pk2v3.rar(Media.pk2 & Particles.pk2)
After those are downloaded go into your ecsro folder backup
Then the files you downloaded extract them into your ecsro folder. Start the game and enjoy some cool shit!!
This makes ecsro so much more fun if someone could help me with weapon skills I will give you the download for this I just got tired of normal ecsro and I know everyone else is as you can see in video what I have finished the only thing now is the weapon skills and im having trouble getting them to work so like I said if you can help me out would be appreciated!
Im still thinking about releasing to the public most likely when I get all the weapon skills and weapon icons to the level 100-120 I will
notice: These nukes are huge they love to eat your frames
This my my media.pk2 I take full credit for it so when its released I don't want some little noobs saying they made it. Who ever helps me with the weapon skills , or anything you will have credit on this aswell. As of right now this is the only media.pk2 with these things added and only about 10people have this. I plan on going to maybe version 6. I can put anything from kSRO for ecsro. mobs , pets , ect.. anything
If any pk2 developers want to hit me up maybe we can get together add new under bar or some other things. Make some different textures I don't know we could think of something.
If you know how to use photoshop and pk2 underbars or pk2 anything really. Send me a private message.
Also if you have anything you would like added just post a comment. If its decent I will think about adding it. Please be mature about it no. 0mg add g0d m0de unlimited g0ld. Simple things like changing wolfs, grab pets , mounts, icons, textures really anything if you think of it. I know I cant think of everything so why don't you all help me out.
Things To Look For In v4
All Mounts Changed
All Trade mounts Changed
Last Book of Each Weapon skill level 100-120
Map With Unique spawns on it
Updated Event Message
11/28 : I Decided to release this version to the public. I'm still having trouble with the weapon skills. So once again if anyone can help me. Send me a private message it would be really appreciated.