16 Ocak 2008
Hotan Stable
ewt arkadaşlar sonunda beklediğimiz ROC MOUNTAIN UPDATE, yani LEGEND III update geliyor... Silkroadonline.net ten yapılan açıklama aynen şu şekilde..... ::

Regarding Legend III, Roc Mountain! May 13, 2008

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

We make this announcement to inform our users in advance regarding the upcoming update, Legend III, Roc Mountain.

There will be Legend III, Roc Mountain update on May 20th, 2008.

Legend III, Roc Mountain cannot be accessed by the current client. Patch cannot be applied due to the massive capacity of the Legend III, Roc Mountain, so users must install a new client to play the game after the weekly server inspection on May 20th, 2008..

Downloading the full client of Legend III, Roc Mountain on the opening date could drastically reduce the download speed due to the large amount of people downloading simultaneously. Thus we recommend our users to download the full client of Legend III, Roc Mountain in advance, which is currently available for download at the Downloads at our website.

Please note that the installation of Legend III, Roc Mountain will not be available before the weekly server inspection on May 20th, 2008.. Also users who have not installed the full client of Legend III, Roc Mountain will not be able to access the game after the weekly server inspection on May 20th, 2008.

We ask for our users concerns on this upcoming update.

Thank you.

evet arkadaşlar 20 MAYIS ta legend III e geçiyoruz ama birkez daha hatırlatalım...

bu update öyle her salı olan inspection veya client updateler gibi olmayacak... 1 hafta önce silkroadonline.net te yayınlanan sro client v1.150 indirmemiz gerekiyor (930mb)... we bu indirdiğimiz update ile 20 mayıs tan itibaren LEGEND III oynayacağız...

herkese şimdiden kolay gelsin....
13 Mayıs 2008
bı sorum olacak o uptadeyı yapmayan mesela baskalarınn elındekı 9 dg lerı goremezmı
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